Longitudinally mapping the influence of sex and androgen signaling on the dynamics of human cortical maturation in adolescence

Armin Raznahan, Yohan Lee, Reva Stidd, Robert Long, Dede Greenstein, Liv Clasen, Anjene Addington, Nitin Gogtay, Judith L. Rapoport, Jay N. Giedd

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227 Citations (Scopus)


Humans have systematic sex differences in brain-related behavior, cognition, and pattern of mental illness risk. Many of these differences emerge during adolescence, a developmental period of intense neurostructural and endocrine change. Here, by creating "movies" of sexually dimorphic brain development using longitudinal in vivo structural neuroimaging, we show regionally specific sex differences in development of the cerebral cortex during adolescence. Within cortical subsystems known to underpin domains of cognitive behavioral sex difference, structural change is faster in the sex that tends to perform less well within the domain in question. By stratifying participants through molecular analysis of the androgen receptor gene, we show that possession of an allele conferring more efficient functioning of this sex steroid receptor is associated with "masculinization" of adolescent cortical maturation. Our findings extend models first established in rodents, and suggest that in humans too, sex and sex steroids shape brain development in a spatiotemporally specific manner, within neural systems known to underpin sexually dimorphic behaviors.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)16988 - 16993
Number of pages6
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number39
Publication statusPublished - 28 Sept 2010


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