Lopinavir–ritonavir in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial

Peter W Horby, Marion Mafham, Jennifer L Bell, Louise Linsell, Natalie Staplin, Jonathan Emberson, Adrian Palfreeman, Jason Raw, Einas Elmahi, Benjamin Prudon, Christopher Green, Simon Carley, David Chadwick, Matthew Davies, Matthew P Wise, J Kenneth Baillie, Lucy C Chappell, Saul N Faust, Thomas Jaki, Katie JeffereyWei Shen Lim, Alan Montgomery, Kathryn Rowan, Edmund Juszczak, Richard Haynes, Martin J Landray

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

508 Citations (Scopus)
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1345-1352
Issue number10259
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2020

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