Mental health, ethnicity and the UK armed forces: Historical lessons for research and policy

Edgar Jones, Laura Palmer, Kamaldeep Bhui

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UK armed forces have recruited from other races and ethnicities at times of crisis. To meet diversity targets, they have also recruited indigenous groups of non-White British heritage. Considered at greater risk of mental health problems generally, these populations are likely to suffer more in combat and in transition to civilian life. Yet, there is little data on how they fare.

A scoping review was conducted of peer-reviewed studies of psychological illnesses suffered by racial and ethnic minority soldiers from World War One to the present, together with research at the National Archives, Wellcome Trust Archives and the Imperial War Museum for unpublished studies.

British commanders and psychiatrists argued that ‘martial races’ were protected against post-traumatic illnesses because of an innate resilience related to a rural heritage. Consequently, low morale and breakdown were interpreted as malingering to avoid combat. Indian troops received lower levels of psychiatric care than provided for British soldiers delivered with limited cultural understanding. Inferior terms and conditions were offered to Indian soldiers with lesser opportunities for promotion. These practices, established in both World Wars, continued for Gurkha and Commonwealth soldiers recruited to meet manpower and diversity targets. Disproportionate complaints of discrimination may explain why ethnic minority status is a risk factor for mental illness.

Management patterns laid down during the Imperial era continue to influence current practice for ethnic minority service personnel. Yet, armed forces can play a positive role in fostering diversity and integration to provide protective factors against mental illness.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103957
JournalAsian journal of psychiatry
Issue number103957
Early online date9 Feb 2024
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024


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