Mnemonic function in small vessel disease and associations with white matter tract microstructure

Athanasia Metoki, Rebecca L. Brookes, Eva Zeestraten, Andrew J. Lawrence, Robin G. Morris, Thomas R. Barrick, Hugh S. Markus, Rebecca A. Charlton

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Cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) is associated with deficits in working memory, with a relative sparing of long-term memory; function may be influenced by white matter microstructure. Working and long-term memory were examined in 106 patients with SVD and 35 healthy controls. Microstructure was measured in the uncinate fasciculi and cingula. Working memory was more impaired than long-term memory in SVD, but both abilities were reduced compared to controls. Regression analyses found that having SVD explained the variance in memory functions, with additional variance explained by the cingula (working memory) and uncinate (long-term memory). Performance can be explained in terms of integrity loss in specific white matter tract associated with mnemonic functions.
Original languageEnglish
Early online date24 Jul 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 24 Jul 2017


  • Long-term memory
  • working memory
  • cingulum
  • uncinate
  • ageing
  • small vessel disease


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