Modal Coupling of Single Photon Emitters Within Nanofiber Waveguides

Michele Gaio, Maria Moffa, Marta Castro Lopez, Dario Pisignano, Andrea Camposeo, Riccardo Sapienza

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Nanoscale generation of individual photons in confined geometries is an exciting research field aiming at exploiting localized electromagnetic fields for light manipulation. One of the outstanding challenges of photonic systems combining emitters with nanostructured media is the selective channelling of photons emitted by embedded sources into specific optical modes and their transport at distant locations in integrated systems. Here, we show that soft-matter nanofibers, electrospun with embedded emitters, combine subwavelength field localization and large broadband near-field coupling with low propagation losses. By momentum spectroscopy, we quantify the modal coupling efficiency identifying the regime of single-mode coupling. These nanofibers do not rely on resonant interactions, making them ideal for room-temperature operation, and offer a scalable platform for future quantum information technology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6125-6130
Number of pages6
JournalACS Nano
Issue number6
Early online date20 May 2016
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jun 2016


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Gaio, M., Moffa, M., Castro Lopez, M., Pisignano, D., Camposeo, A., & Sapienza, R. (2016). Modal Coupling of Single Photon Emitters Within Nanofiber Waveguides. ACS Nano, 10(6), 6125-6130.