Molecular cytogenetic analysis of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas: identification of common genetic alterations in Sezary syndrome and mycosis fungoides

X Mao, D Lillington, J J Scarisbrick, T Mitchell, B Czepulkowski, R Russell-Jones, B Young, S J Whittaker

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Background Data on genome-wide surveys for chromosome aberrations in primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) are limited. Objectives To investigate genetic aberrations in CTCL. Methods We analysed 18 cases of Sezary syndrome (SS) and 16 cases of mycosis fungoides (MF) by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis, and correlated findings with the results of additional conventional cytogenetics, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and allelotyping studies. Results CGH analysis showed chromosome imbalances (CIs) in 19 of 34 CTCL cases (56%). The mean +/- SD number of CIs per sample was 1.8 +/- 2.4, with losses (1.2 +/- 2.0) slightly more frequent than gains (0.6 +/- 1.0). The most frequent losses involved chromosomes 1p (38%), 17p (21%), 10q/10 (15%) and 19 (15%), with minimal regions of deletion at 1p31p36 and 10q26. The commonly detected chromosomal gains involved 4/4q (18%), 18 (15%) and 17q/17 (12%). Both SS and late stages of MF showed a similar pattern of CIs, but no chromosomal changes were found in three patients with T1 stage MF. Of the 18 SS cases also analysed by cytogenetics, seven showed clonal chromosome abnormalities (39%). Five cases had structural aberrations affecting chromosomes 10 and 17, four demonstrated rearrangement of 1p and three revealed an abnormality of either 6q or 14q consistent with CGH findings. FISH analysis showed chromosome 1p and 17q rearrangements in five of 15 SS cases, and chromosome 10 abnormalities in four SS cases consistent with both the G-banded karyotype and the CGH results. In addition, allelotyping analysis of 33 MF patients using chromosome 1 markers suggested minimal regions of deletion at D1S228 (1p36), D1S2766 (1p22) and D1S397 (1q25). Conclusions These findings provide a comprehensive assessment of genetic abnormalities in CTCL and a rational approach for further studies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)464 - 475
Number of pages12
JournalBritish Journal of Dermatology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2002


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