MR compatibility aspects of a silicon photomultiplier-based PET/RF insert with integrated digitisation

Bjoern Weissler*, Pierre Gebhardt, Christoph W. Lerche, Jakob Wehner, Torsten Solf, Benjamin Goldschmidt, Jane E. Mackewn, Paul K. Marsden, Fabian Kiessling, Michael Perkuhn, Dirk Heberling, Volkmar Schulz

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56 Citations (Scopus)


The combination of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) into a single device is being considered a promising tool for molecular imaging as it combines the high sensitivity of PET with the functional and anatomical images of MRI. For highest performance, a scalable, MR compatible detector architecture with a small form factor is needed, targeting at excellent PET signal-to-noise ratios and time-of-flight information. Therefore it is desirable to use silicon photo multipliers and to digitize their signals directly in the detector modules inside the MRI bore.

A preclinical PET/RF insert for clinical MRI scanner was built to demonstrate a new architecture and to study the interactions between the two modalities. The disturbance of the MRI's static magnetic field stays below 2 ppm peak-to-peak within a diameter of 56 mm (90 mm using standard automatic volume shimming). MRI SNR is decreased by 14%, RF artefacts (dotted lines) are only visible in sequences with very low SNR. Ghosting artefacts are visible to the eye in about 26% of the EPI images, severe ghosting only in 7.6%.

Eddy-current related heating effects during long EPI sequences are noticeable but with low influence of 2% on the coincidences count rate. The time resolution of 2.5 ns, the energy resolution of 29.7% and the volumetric spatial resolution of 1.8 mm(3) in the PET isocentre stay unaffected during MRI operation.

Phantom studies show no signs of other artefacts or distortion in both modalities. A living rat was simultaneously imaged after the injection with F-18-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) proving the in vivo capabilities of the system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5119-5139
Number of pages21
JournalPhysics in Medicine and Biology
Issue number17
Early online date14 Aug 2014
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2014


  • PET
  • MRI
  • multimodality imaging
  • silicon photo multiplier
  • molecular imaging
  • animal imaging
  • instrumentation


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