Resolving social dilemmas through reward transfer commitments

Research output: Contribution to conference typesPaperpeer-review

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In file sharing networks, users can either act for personal gain by
downloading files, or help the network by uploading files. Similar
scenarios are important in many diverse situations where it does
not pay to be nice to others. As a result, self-interested agents
shirk collective behaviour, leading to poor outcomes for everyone.
In response, in this paper we introduce a new metric for social
dilemmas that quantifies the discrepancy between what is rational
for individual agents and what is rational for the group, which we
call the exchange threshold. It is the smallest fraction of individual
rewards that need to be shared to make the unique Nash equilibrium
a social welfare optimum. The exchange threshold differs to notions
of altruism or prosocial behaviours because agents are transferring
their rewards in order to induce others to care about their welfare.
We investigate how the exchange threshold of a strategic game
representing a tragedy of the commons varies with the abundance
of resources to provide a deeper understanding of the underlying
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 28 Mar 2023
EventAdaptive and Learning Agents Workshop - London, United Kingdom
Duration: 29 May 202330 May 2023


WorkshopAdaptive and Learning Agents Workshop
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • Game Theory
  • Social Dilemma
  • Multiagent Reinforcement Learning


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