Skeletal Muscle: A Brief Review of Structure and Function

Walter R Frontera, Julien Ochala

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

954 Citations (Scopus)


Skeletal muscle is one of the most dynamic and plastic tissues of the human body. In humans, skeletal muscle comprises approximately 40 % of total body weight and contains 50-75 % of all body proteins. In general, muscle mass depends on the balance between protein synthesis and degradation and both processes are sensitive to factors such as nutritional status, hormonal balance, physical activity/exercise, and injury or disease, among others. In this review, we discuss the various domains of muscle structure and function including its cytoskeletal architecture, excitation-contraction coupling, energy metabolism, and force and power generation. We will limit the discussion to human skeletal muscle and emphasize recent scientific literature on single muscle fibers.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
JournalCalcified Tissue International
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2014


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