Sox14 is required for a specific subset of cerebello–olivary projections

Hong-Ting Prekop, Anna Kroiss, Victoria Rook, Laskaro Zagoraiou, Thomas Jessell, Catherine Fernandes, Alessio Delogu*, Richard J. T. Wingate

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We identify Sox14 as an exclusive marker of inhibitory projection neurons in the lateral and interposed, but not the medial, cerebellar nuclei. Sox14+ neurons make up ~80% of Gad1+ neurons in these nuclei and are indistinguishable by soma size from other inhibitory neurons. All Sox14+ neurons of the lateral and interposed cerebellar nuclei are generated at approximately E10/10.5 and extend long-range, predominantly contralateral projections to the inferior olive. A small Sox14+ population in the adjacent vestibular nucleus “Y” sends an ipsilateral projection to the oculomotor nucleus. Cerebellar Sox14+ and glutamatergic projection neurons assemble in non-overlapping populations at the nuclear transition zone, and their integration into a coherent nucleus depends on Sox14 function. Targeted ablation of Sox14+ cells by conditional viral expression of diphtheria toxin leads to significantly impaired motor learning. Contrary to expectations, associative learning is unaffected by unilateral Sox14+ neuron elimination in the interposed and lateral nuclei.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9539-9550
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Neuroscience
Issue number44
Early online date31 Oct 2018
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Axon
  • Cerebellum
  • GABA
  • Genetic model
  • Inferior olive
  • Motor learning


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