Stimulated acoustic emission in liver parenchyma with Levovist: Lancet

M. Blomley, T. Albrecht, D. Cosgrove, V. Jayaram, J. Butler-Barnes, R. Eckersley

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112 Citations (Scopus)


We have noted a new characteristic colour Doppler (CD) appearance on liver ultrasound after giving the echo-enhancing agent Levovist (Schering Health Care). Levovist is an intravenous microbubble ultrasound contrast agent which improves a Doppler study by increasing the signal intensity from blood vessels by 10–25 dB; the duration of useful enhancement lasts 1-5 min.1,2 It is not regarded as producing parenchymal enhancement, but while doing Levovist ultrasound studies of the abdomen, we noted strong, transient, wide-frequency CD signals in the liver parenchyma, appearing on real-time colour Doppler scanning as flashes of polychromatic colour for several minutes after intravenous injection.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)568
Number of pages1
JournalThe Lancet
Issue number9102
Publication statusPublished - 21 Feb 1998


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