The primary visual cortex, and feedback to it, are not necessary for conscious vision

Dominic H. Ffytche, Semir Zeki

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A compelling single case report of visual awareness (visual qualia) without primary visual cortex would be sufficient to refute the hypothesis that the primary visual cortex and the back-projections to it are necessary for conscious visual experience. In a previous study, we emphasized the presence of crude visual awareness in Patient G.Y., with a lesion of the primary visual cortex, who is aware of, and able to discriminate, fast-moving visual stimuli presented to his blind field. The visual nature of Patient G.Y.'s blind field experience has since been questioned and it has been suggested that the special circumstances of repeated testing over decades may have altered Patient G.Y.'s visual pathways. We therefore sought new evidence of visual awareness without primary visual cortex in patients for whom such considerations do not apply. Three patients with hemianopic field defects (Patient G.N. and Patient F.B. with MRI confirmed primary visual cortex lesions, Patient C.G. with an inferred lesion) underwent detailed psychophysical testing in their blind fields. Visual stimuli were presented at different velocities and contrasts in two- and four-direction discrimination experiments and the direction of motion and awareness reported using a forced-choice paradigm. Detailed verbal reports were also obtained of the nature of the blind field experience with comparison of the drawings of the stimulus presented in the blind and intact fields, where possible. All three patients reported visual awareness in their blind fields. Visual awareness was significantly more likely when a moving stimulus was present compared to no stimulus catch trials (P <0.01 for each subject). Psychophysical performance in Patient F.B. and Patient G.N. was consistent with the Riddoch syndrome, with higher levels of visual awareness for moving compared to static stimuli (P <0.001) and intact direction discrimination (P <0.0001 for two- and four-direction experiments). Although the blind field experience of all three subjects was degraded, it was clearly visual in nature. We conclude that the primary visual cortex or back-projections to it are not necessary for visual awareness.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberN/A
Pages (from-to)247 - 257
Number of pages11
Issue number1
Early online date19 Nov 2010
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2011


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