Understanding adolescents' intentions to have the HPV vaccine

Alice S. Forster, Laura A.V. Marlow, Jane Wardle, Judith Stephenson, Jo Waller

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

26 Citations (Scopus)


From September 2008, older adolescent girls in the UK are eligible to have the HPV vaccine as part of the HPV vaccination ‘catch-up’ programme. Six months before they were due to be offered the vaccine 16–18 year old girls (N = 617) from eight further education/sixth-form colleges reported their intentions to have the HPV vaccine and reasons for this decision. Most intended to have the vaccine (around 70%). Some intentions were influenced by perceptions of risk. Many participants wanted more information and a small minority were scared of needles. Some ‘non-intenders’ were opposed to vaccinations altogether. The HPV vaccine is likely to be popular but non-intenders’ views may be difficult to change.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1673-1676
Number of pages4
Issue number7
Early online date14 Dec 2009
Publication statusPublished - 17 Feb 2010


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