Working Together to Address Multiple Exclusion Homelessness

Michelle Cornes, Louise Joly, Jill Manthorpe, Sue O'Halloran, Rob Smyth

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

32 Citations (Scopus)


This article draws on preliminary findings from a two-year exploratory study to describe how different agencies and professionals work together to identify and manage the intersections between homelessness and other facets of deep social exclusion. We assess the extent to which current practice is informed by policy frameworks for ‘personalised and integrated care planning’ focusing in particular on the ‘coordinating’ and ‘sign-posting’ role of the housing support worker. We conclude with some initial thoughts as to how policy and practice might be strengthened in this area to ensure more ‘joined-up’ and continuous support for people with experience of multiple exclusion homelessness.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)513-522
Number of pages10
JournalSocial Policy and Society
Issue number4
Early online date5 Aug 2011
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2011


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