Requirements Engineering for Model Transformation Development

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


Model transformation (MT) is central to model driven engineering. It
can be used for a range of purposes, including to improve the quality
of models, to refactor models, to migrate or translate models from one
representation to another, and to generate code or other artifacts from
models. At present, the development of MT is mainly focused on the
specication and implementation phases, whereas there is a lack of support
in other phases including requirements, analysis, design and testing.
In this thesis, we are only interested in the requirements phase of MT
development, namely the initial phase of software development life-cycle
where the software's specications are determined, for which at present
there is no systematic requirement engineering (RE) process.
In this research study, we aim to systematically nd out how MT is
being developed. We are particularly interested in understanding how requirements
for MT are being identied. A comprehensive systematic literature
review together with an interview-based study have been applied
in order to address these shortcomings. Moreover, this thesis addresses
the lack of a guideline for a systematic RE process in MT by dening a
systematic procedural RE process framework for MT development and
it identies criteria for selecting the most appropriate RE techniques.
This framework is evaluated and validated through its application on
two substantial industrial cases. The rst case is an example of model
driven development applied to MT development. The second is a -
nancial application involving risk evaluation of multiple nancial investments.
Date of Award2018
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London
SupervisorKevin Lano (Supervisor) & Steffen Zschaler (Supervisor)

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