Ian Craig
  • 25626

Personal profile

Research interests

Molecular genetics; high throughput association studies; epigenetics and sex differences in behaviour.

Biographical details

I am Head of the Molecular Genetics Section of the SGDP Research Centre with responsibilities for the co-ordination of molecular genetic approaches within a range of collaborative projects (see below). Previous to my joining to the Institute of Psychiatry, I worked for many years in the Genetics Unit at the Department of Biochemistry at Oxford University and was appointed to the titular post of Professor in Genetics there in 1997. My group was involved in one of the early positional cloning successes (a gene for X-linked blindness and mental retardation) and in the characterisation of additional genes implicated in a range of human disorders. I was appointed a Fellow of St Catherine’s College, Oxford in 1972 and retired from there in 2009. My interests in human gene mapping have involved participation in the development of the Genome Database, GDB, as a Chromosome Editor and most recently through elections to the Human Genome Organisation, HUGO, Council (2000-2003; 2003-2006) and appointment as a Trustee to HUGO (London Ltd) in 2010.
Currently, I am involved in a variety of projects, many of which depend on fast and efficient genotyping of simple sequence repeat variants and single nucleotide polymorphisms as applied to whole genome scanning for association with QTLs implicated in a range of behaviours and disorders. These include: cognition (g), addiction, aggression, anxiety and depression. With other members of the Section, I am exploring improved methods for high throughput genotyping based on DNA pooling with micro-arrays and the co-ordinated examination of genotypes for neurotransmitter pathway genes in a variety of behaviours. I have a particular interest in the relevance to behaviour genetics of inactivation and potential imprinting of the X chromosome and generally in the contribution of the X- and Y-chromosomes to sex differences in behaviour.

Current Collaborations:

Cognition – Genome screening for QTLs implicated in cognition (g) - with Professor Plomin.
Unipolar Depression Studies with Professors Anne Farmer, Cathryn Lewis and Peter McGuffin.
Dunedin Longitudinal Study in the project led by Professors Temi Moffit and Avshalom Caspi (At the SGDP Research Centre and Dunedin).
GENDEP Pharmacogenomic investigation on Depression. An EU Multicentre Study.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


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