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Marta Di Forti


  • 3300

Search results

  • 2013

    Serum and gene expression profile of cytokines in first-episode psychosis

    Di Nicola, M., Cattaneo, A., Hepgul, N., Di Forti, M., Aitchison, K. J., Janiri, L., Murray, R. M., Dazzan, P., Pariante, C. M. & Mondelli, V., Jul 2013, In: Brain Behavior and Immunity. 31, p. 90-95 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    180 Citations (Scopus)
  • 2008

    Large recurrent microdeletions associated with schizophrenia

    Stefansson, H., Rujescu, D., Cichon, S., Pietil??inen, O. P. H., Ingason, A., Steinberg, S., Fossdal, R., Sigurdsson, E., Sigmundsson, T., Buizer-voskamp, J. E., Hansen, T., Jakobsen, K. D., Muglia, P., Francks, C., Matthews, P. M., Gylfason, A., Halldorsson, B. V., Gudbjartsson, D., Thorgeirsson, T. E. & Sigurdsson, A. & 64 others, Jonasdottir, A., Jonasdottir, A., Bjornsson, A., Mattiasdottir, S., Blondal, T., Haraldsson, M., Magnusdottir, B. B., Giegling, I., M??ller, H.-J., Hartmann, A., Shianna, K. V., Ge, D., Need, A. C., Crombie, C., Fraser, G., Walker, N., Lonnqvist, J., Suvisaari, J., Tuulio-henriksson, A., Paunio, T., Toulopoulou, T., Bramon, E., Di Forti, M., Murray, R., Ruggeri, M., Vassos, E., Tosato, S., Walshe, M., Li, T., Vasilescu, C., M??hleisen, T. W., Wang, A. G., Ullum, H., Djurovic, S., Melle, I., Olesen, J., Kiemeney, L. A., Franke, B., Sabatti, C., Freimer, N. B., Gulcher, J. R., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Kong, A., Andreassen, O. A., Ophoff, R. A., Georgi, A., Rietschel, M., Werge, T., Petursson, H., Goldstein, D. B., N??then, M. M., Peltonen, L., Collier, D. A., St Clair, D., Stefansson, K., Kahn, R. S., Linszen, D. H., Van Os, J., Wiersma, D., Bruggeman, R., Cahn, W., De Haan, L., Krabbendam, L. & Myin-germeys, I., 11 Sept 2008, In: NATURE. 455, 7210, p. 232-236 5 p., N/A.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1470 Citations (Scopus)
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