Toby Prevost
  • 335

Personal profile

Biographical details


Toby joined King's in 2009 as Reader and was promoted to Professor of Medical Statistics in 2012

Inaugural Lecture: Statistics in Trials - Making Complexity Work


Previously he worked in posts at the University of Cambridge as:

   - Survey Statistician (1991-1993) in the nationwide Health And Lifestyle Survey team

   - Consulting Statistician (1996-2002) to researchers across the University Clinical School at Addenbrooke's Hospital

   - Trial Statistician (2000-2002) in primary care research trials in Type 2 diabetes and Cancer

   - Senior Statistician and Co-investigator (2002-2009) in public health and clinical intervention studies

and in a part-time MRC-funded secondment as Senior Research Scientist at the Cambridge MRC Biostatistics Unit in

   - Methodological Research (2002-2006) - in cluster randomised trial design, and in multivariate meta-analysis


Since moving to KCL he maintined external collaborations in basic science, clinical, and public health research

   - Honorary Senior Lecturer at UCL (2007-2012) - cell-cycle biomarkers for early cancer detection (2000-2012)

   - Honorary Visiting Senior Fellow at Cambridge (2009-2017) - extending to 13 years the supervision of trial statisticians in behaviour change intervention trials (from 2002)


National committee work

   - Member of NIHR Public Health Research funding board (2014-2018)

   - Core Member of NICE Public Health Advisory Committee (2013-2017)

   - Member of NICE Public Health Interventions Advisory Committee (2008-2013)

   - Advisory Committee contributor to over twenty of the current public health Nice guidance topics (2008-2017)

   - Inaugural member of the Royal Statistical Society Primary Health Care Study Group (2000-2012)

   - Currently Independent member of Trial Steering Committees and Data Monitoring Committees in Bristol, Cardiff, Oxford, Sheffield and across London


Research Advisor

NIHR Research Design Service for London (2009-2015), and for Eastern England (2000-2009)

NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Trust statistical consultancy (2009-2015)

Addenbrooke's NHS Trust statistical consultancy (1996-2009)


PhD Research Students:

Joana Vasconcelos, KCL, (2nd supervisor Rebecca Turner, Cambridge MRC Biostatistics Unit), 2014-

     Developing Meta-Analysis Methods For Health Intervention Trials

Fowzia Ibrahim, KCL, (2nd supervisor Brian Tom, Cambridge MRC Biostatistics Unit), 2013-

     Missing Data Methods For Composite Outcomes in Rheumatology Trials

David Robertson, Cambridge, (1st supervisor Jack Bowden, Cambridge MRC Biostatistics Unit), 2013-

     Developing  sequential methods for identifying optimal biomarker combinations

Helen Booth, KCL, (1st supervisor Martin Gulliford), 2011-2014

    An epidemiological study of obesity using primary care electronic health records

Neil Casey, Cambridge, (2nd supervisor Simon Thompson, Cambridge MRC Biostatistics Unit), 2008-2011

    Understanding the mechanisms of behaviour change in randomised controlled trials of complex interventions through application and development of causal mediation methods


Toby's research interests are focused in trial design and follow-through, including recent early phase trial experience with the King's Biomedical Research Centre at Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospitals, physical activity and smoking cessation trials with Cambridge, and as co-investigator in later phase clinical trials, with the most recent (2014, total £7m) being three NIHR HTA and EME funded nationwide trials in Ophthalmology with Moorfields Eye Hospital, and an industry-funded Anglo-Dutch trial of treatment for the prevention of early development of arthritis with the King's Biomedical Research Centre.


He line manages two trial statisticians. and has trial design and follow-through experience in a range of health areas including

  - public health,

  - prevention and treatment research,

  - Type I and II diabetes,

  - ophthalmology and

  - rheumatology.


Publications in main research areas:


Development and Validation of biomarker and queestionnaire based tests and risk prediction models 

two-stage adaptive:


Robertson D, Prevost AT, Bowden J. Correcting for bias in the selection and validation of informative diagnostic tests. Statistics in Medicine 2015;34:1417-1437.


Walter FM, Prevost AT, Birt L, Grehan N, Restarick K, Morris HC, Sutton S, Rose P, Downing S, Emery JD. Development and evaluation of a brief self-completed family history screening tool for common chronic disease prevention in primary care. British Journal of General Practice 2013;63:393-400.


Prevost T, Bowden J. Designing a preliminary adaptive study to inform a biomarker trial in Psoriasis. Trials 2011;12(Suppl1),p.A17


single stage and non-adaptive:


Stevenson JM, Williams JL, Burnham TG, Prevost AT, Schiff R, Erskine SD, Davies JG. Predicting adverse drug reactions in older adults; a systematic review of the risk prediction models. Clin Interv Aging. 2014;9:1581-93.


Emery JD, Reid G, Prevost AT, Ravine D, Walter FM. Development and validation of a family history screening questionnaire in Australian primary care. Ann Fam Med. 2014;12:241-9


Walter FM, Prevost AT, Vasconcelos J, Hall PN, Burrows NP, Morris HC, Kinmonth AL, Emery JD. Using the seven-point checklist as a diagnostic aid for pigmented skin lesions in general practice: a diagnostic validation study. British Journal of General Practice 2013;63:345-353




Prevost AT, Mason D, Griffin S, Kinmonth AL, Sutton S, Spiegelhalter D. Allowing for correlations between correlations in random-effects meta-analysis of correlation matrices. Psychological Methods 2007;12:434-50.

behavioural interventions:

Booth HP, Prevost AT, Wright AJ, Gulliford MC. Effectiveness of behavioural weight loss interventions delivered in a primary care setting: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Family Practice. 2014;31(6):643-53.


Bhattarai N, Prevost AT, Wright AJ, Charlton J, Rudisill C‎, Gulliford MC. Effectiveness of interventions to promote healthy diet in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMC Public Health 2013;13:1203

Marteau TM, French DP, Griffin SJ, Prevost AT, Sutton S, Watkinson C, Attwood S, Hollands GJ. Effects of communicating DNA-based disease risk estimates on risk-reducing behaviours. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010 Issue 10. Art. No.: CD007275

Naughton F, Prevost AT, Sutton S. Self-help smoking cessation interventions in pregnancy - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction  2008;103:566-79

family history:

Braithwaite D, Emery J, Walter F, Prevost AT, Sutton S. Psychological impact of genetic counseling for familial cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2004;96:122-133.

clinical populations:

Baguley DM, Bird J, Humphriss RL, Prevost AT. The evidence base for the application of contralateral bone anchored hearing aids in acquired unilateral sensorineural hearing loss in adults. Clinical Otolaryngology 2006;31:6-14 


Trial Design

methodology of trial design:

Prevost AT. Sample Size by design in complex intervention trials. Invited Speaker at the First NIHR Statistics Group Meeting held at King's College London, 13 February 2012.

Casey N, Thompson SG, Prevost AT. Modelling multiple outcomes to improve the detection of causal mediation effects in complex intervention trials. Trials 2011, 12(Suppl 1):A146.

Lancaster GA, Campbell MJ, Eldridge S, Farrin A, Marchant M, Muller S, Perera R, Peters TJ, Prevost AT, Rait G. Trials in Primary Care: statistical  issues in the design, conduct and evaluation of complex interventions. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2010;19:349-77

Turner RM, Prevost AT, Thompson SG. Allowing for imprecision of the intracluster correlation coefficient in the design of cluster randomised trials. Statistics in Medicine 2004;23:1195-1214.

complex intervention trial design:

Sutton S, Smith S, Jamison J, Boase S, Mason D, Prevost AT, Brimicombe J, Sloan M, Gilbert H, Naughton F. Study protocol for iQuit in Practice: a randomised controlled trial to assess the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of tailored web- and text-based facilitation of smoking cessation in primary care. BMC Public Health 2013;13(1):324.

Farquhar MC, Prevost AT, McCrone P, Higginson IJ, Gray J, Brafman-Kennedy B, Booth S. Study Protocol: Phase III single-blinded fast-track pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention for breathlessness in advanced disease. Trials  2011;12:130

Griffin SJ, Simmons RK, Williams KM, Prevost AT, Hardeman W, Grant J, Whittle FC, Boase SA, Hobbis I, Brage S, Westgate K, Fanshawe T, Sutton SR, Wareham NJ, Kinmonth AL. Protocol for the ADDITION-Plus study: a randomised controlled trial of an individually-tailored behaviour change intervention among people with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes under intensive UK general practice care. BMC Public Health 2011;11:211

Williams K, Prevost AT, Griffin S, Hardeman W, Hollingworth W, Spiegelhalter D, Sutton S, Ekelund U, Wareham N, Kinmonth AL. The ProActive trial protocol - a randomised controlled trial of the efficacy of a family-based domiciliary intervention programme to increase physical activity among individuals at high risk of diabetes. BMC Public Health 2004;4:48-59

cluster randomised controlled trial design:

Echouffo-Tcheugui JB, Simmons RK, Williams KM, Barling RS, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, Wareham NJ, Griffin SJ. The ADDITION-Cambridge trial protocol - a cluster randomised controlled trial of screening for type 2 diabetes and intensive treatment for screen-detected patients. BMC Public Health 2009;9:136

Mann E, Prevost AT, Griffin S, Kellar I, Sutton S, Parker M, Sanderson S, Kinmonth AL, Marteau TM. Impact of an informed choice invitation on uptake of screening for diabetes in primary care (DICISION): Trial Protocol. BMC Public Health 2009;9:63

factorial randomised controlled trial design:

Marcovecchio ML, Dunger DB, Dalton RN, Daneman D, Deanfield JE, Gray A, Jones TW, Neil A, Prevost AT; the AdDIT study Writing Group. Adolescent type 1 Diabetes cardio-renal Intervention Trial (AdDIT): Study Protocol. BMC Pediatrics 2009;9:79

Farmer AJ, Prevost AT, Hardeman W, Craven A, Sutton S, Griffin SJ, Kinmonth AL. Support and Advice for Medication Trial Group. Protocol for SAMS (Support and Advice for Medication Study): a randomised controlled trial of an intervention to support patients with type 2 diabetes with adherence to medication. BMC Family Practice 2008;9:20

clinical trial design:

Sivaprasad S, Arden G, Prevost AT, Crosby-Nwaobi R, Holmes H, Kelly J, Murphy C, Rubin G, Vasconcelos J, Hykin P. A multicentre phase III randomised controlled single-masked clinical trial evaluating the clinical efficacy and safety of light-masks at preventing dark-adaptation in the treatment of early diabetic macular oedema (CLEOPATRA): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2014;15(1):458.

Corrie PG, Moody M, Wood V, Bavister L, Prevost T, Parker RA, Sabes-Figuera R, McCrone P, Balsdon H, McKinnon K, O'Sullivan B, Tan RS, Barclay SI. Protocol for the OUTREACH trial: a randomised trial comparing delivery of cancer systemic therapy in three different settings: patient's home, GP surgery and hospital day unit. BMC Cancer. 2011;11:467

public health and primary care trial design:

Whitwell SCL, Mathew CG, Lewis CM, Forbes A, Watts S, Sanderson J, Hollands GJ, Prevost AT, Armstrong D, Kinmonth AL, Sutton  A, Marteau TM. Trial Protocol: Communicating DNA-based risk assessments for Crohn's disease: a randomised controlled trial assessing impact upon stopping smoking. BMC Public Health 2011;11:44

Marteau TM, Munafo MR, Aveyard P, Hill C, Whitwell S, Willis TA, Crockett RA, Hollands GJ, Johnstone EC, Wright AJ, Prevost AT, Armstrong D, Sutton S, Kinmonth AL. Trial Protocol: Using genotype to tailor prescribing of nicotine replacement therapy: a randomised controlled trial assessing impact of communication upon adherence. BMC Public Health 2010;10:680

Walter FM, Morris HC, Humphrys E, Hall PN, Kinmonth AL, Prevost AT, Wilson ECF, Burrows N, Norris P, Johnson M, Emery J. Protocol for the MoleMateTM UK Trial: a randomised controlled trial of the MoleMate system in the management of pigmented skin lesions in primary care. BMC Family Practice 2010;11:36


Randomised Controlled Trials of Complex Interventions to change lifestyle behaviours

multiple behaviours:

Griffin SJ, Simmons RK, Prevost AT, Williams KM, Hardeman W, Sutton S, Brage S, Ekelund U, Parker RA, Wareham NJ, Kinmonth AL; on behalf of the ADDITION-Plus study team. Multiple behaviour change intervention and outcomes in recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes: the ADDITION-Plus randomised controlled trial. Diabetologia. 2014;57:1308-19.

phsyical activity:

Barakat A, Williams KM, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, Wareham NJ, Griffin SJ, Simmons RK. Changes in physical activity and modelled cardiovascular risk following diagnosis of diabetes: 1-year results from the ADDITION-Cambridge trial cohort. Diabet Med. 2013;30(2):233-8.

Kinmonth AL, Wareham NJ, Hardeman W, Sutton S, Prevost AT, Fanshawe T, Williams K, Ekelund U, Spiegelhalter D, Griffin SJ. Efficacy of a theory-based behavioural intervention to increase physical activity in an at-risk group in primary care (ProActive UK): a randomised trial. The Lancet 2008;371:41-48

smoking cessation:

Naughton F, Jamison J, Boase S, Sloan M, Gilbert H, Prevost AT, Mason D, Smith S, Brimicombe J, Evans R, Sutton S. Randomized controlled trial to assess the short-term effectiveness of tailored web- and text-based facilitation of smoking cessation in primary care (iQuit in Practice). Addiction 2014;109:1184-93

Naughton F, Prevost AT, Gilbert H, Sutton S. Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluation of a Tailored Leaflet and SMS Text Message Self-help Intervention for Pregnant Smokers (MiQuit). Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2012;14(5):569-577.

Hollands GJ, Whitwell SCL, Parker RA, Prescott NJ, Forbes A, Sanderson J, Mathew CG, Lewis CM, Watts S, Sutton S, Armstrong D, Kinmonth AL, Prevost AT, Marteau TM. Effect of communicating DNA based risk assessments for Crohn's disease on smoking cessation: randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2012;345(7870):e4708

Marteau TM, Aveyard P, Munafo MR, Prevost AT, Hollands GJ, Armstrong D, Sutton S, Hill C, Johnstone E, Kinmonth AL. Effect on Adherence to Nicotine Replacement Therapy of Informing Smokers Their Dose Is Determined by Their Genotype: A Randomised Controlled Trial. PLoS One 2012;7(4):e35249

adherence to medication:

Sutton S, Kinmonth AL, Hardeman W, Hughes D, Boase S, Prevost AT, Kellar I, Graffy J, Griffin S, Farmer A. Does Electronic Monitoring Influence Adherence to Medication? Randomized Controlled Trial of Measurement Reactivity. Ann Behav Med. 2014;48(3):293-9

Farmer A, Hardeman W, Hughes D, Prevost AT, Kim Y, Craven A, Oke J, Boase S, Selwood M, Kellar I, Graffy J, Griffin S, Sutton S, Kinmonth AL. An explanatory randomised controlled trial of a nurse-led, consultation-based intervention to support patients with adherence to taking glucose lowering medication for type 2 diabetes. BMC Fam Pract. 2012;13:30.


The pathway from lifestyle factors through obesity to diabetes and other health consequences

assessing prevalence and associations with population-based electronic health records:

Booth HP, Prevost AT, Gulliford MC. Epidemiology of clinical body mass index recording in an obese population in primary care: a cohort study. J Public Health 2013;35(1):67-74.

Booth HP, Prevost AT, Gulliford MC. Severity of obesity and management of hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and smoking in primary care: population-based cohort study. J Hum Hypertens. 2015 Mar 26. 

Booth HP, Prevost AT, Gulliford MC. Impact of body mass index on prevalence of mulitimorbidity in primary care: cohort study. Family Practice 2014;31:38-43.

Booth HP, Prevost AT, Gulliford MC. Validity of smoking prevalence estimates from primary care electronic health records compared with national population survey data for England, 2007 to 2011. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2013;22:1357-61.

Booth HP, Prevost AT, Gulliford MC. Severity of obesity and management of hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and smoking in primary care: population-based cohort study. J Hum Hypertens. 2015 Mar 26.

systematic review and meta-analysis of primary care interventions:

Bhattarai N, Prevost AT, Wright AJ, Charlton J, Rudisill C‎, Gulliford MC. Effectiveness of interventions to promote healthy diet in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMC Public Health 2013;13:1203

Booth HP, Prevost AT, Wright AJ, Gulliford MC. Effectiveness of behavioural weight loss interventions delivered in a primary care setting: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Family Practice. 2014;31(6):643-53.

Barakat A, Williams KM, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, Wareham NJ, Griffin SJ, Simmons RK. Changes in physical activity and modelled cardiovascular risk following diagnosis of diabetes: 1-year results from the ADDITION-Cambridge trial cohort. Diabet Med. 2013;30(2):233-8.

Savory LA, Griffin SJ, Williams KM, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, Wareham NJ, Simmons RK. Changes in diet, cardiovascular risk factors and modelled cardiovascular risk following diagnosis of diabetes: one-year results from the ADDITION-Cambridge trial cohort. Diabetic Medicine 2014;31:148-55

evaluating weight loss and bariatric surgery:

Booth HP, Prevost AT, Gulliford MC. Access to weight reduction interventions for overweight and obese patients in UK primary care: population-based cohort study. BMJ Open. 2015 Jan 13;5(1):e006642.

Booth H, Khan O, Prevost T, Reddy M, Dregan A, Charlton J, Ashworth M, Rudisill C, Littlejohns P, Gulliford MC. Incidence of type 2 diabetes after bariatric surgery: population-based matched cohort study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2014;2(12):963-8.

Booth H, Khan O, Prevost AT, Reddy M, Charlton J, Gulliford MC. Impact of bariatric surgery on clinical depression. Interrupted time series study with matched controls. Journal of Affective Disorders 2015;174:644-9.


Randomised Controlled Trials to evalulate Diabetes Screening

Echouffo-Tcheugui JB, Simmons RK, Prevost AT, Williams KM, Kinmonth A-L, Wareham NJ, Griffin SJ. Long-term effect of population screening for diabetes on cardiovascular morbidity, self-rated health, and health behaviour. Annals of Family Medicine 2015;13:149-157.

Simmons RK, Echouffo-Tcheugui JB, Sharp SJ, Sargeant LA, Williams KM, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, Wareham NJ, Griffin SJ. Screening for type 2 diabetes and population mortality over 10 years (ADDITION-Cambridge): a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2012;380(9855):1741-8

Marteau TM, Mann E, Prevost AT, Vasconcelos JC, Kellar I, Sanderson S, Parker M, Griffin S, Sutton S, Kinmonth AL. Impact of an informed choice invitation on uptake of screening for diabetes in primary care (DICISION): a randomised trial. BMJ 2010;340:c2138

Park P, Simmons RK, Prevost T, Griffin S. A randomised evaluation of loss and gain frames in an invitation to screening for Type 2 diabetes: effects on attendance, anxiety and self-rated health. Journal of Health Psychology 2010;15(2):196-204

Paddison CAM, Eborall HC, Sutton S, French DP, Vasconcelos J, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, Griffin SJ. Are people with negative diabetes screening tests falsely reassured? Parallel group cohort study embedded in the ADDITION (Cambridge) randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2009;339:b4535

Park P, Simmons RK, Prevost T, Griffin S. Screening for type 2 diabetes is feasible, acceptable, but associated with increased short-term anxiety: a randomised controlled trial in British general practice. BMC Public Health 2008;8:350

Eborall HC, Griffin SJ, Prevost AT, Kinmonth AL, French DP, Sutton S. Psychological Impact of Screening for Type 2 Diabetes: Controlled Trial and Comparative Study Embedded in the ADDITION (Cambridge) Randomised Controlled trial. BMJ 2007;335:486


Randomised Controlled Trial to test peer interventions in Type 2 Diabetes

Simmons D, Prevost AT, Bunn C, Holman D, Parker RA, Cohn S, Donald S, Paddison CA, Ward C, Robins P, Graffy J. Impact of Community Based Peer Support in Type 2 Diabetes: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of Individual and/or Group Approaches. PLoS One. 2015;10(3):e0120277


Randomised Controlled Trials to improve patient management in primary care

Walter FM, Morris HC, Humphrys E, Hall PN, Prevost AT, Burrows N, Bradshaw L, Wilson EC, Norris P, Walls J, Johnson M, Kinmonth AL, Emery JD. Effect of adding a diagnostic aid to best practice to manage suspicious pigmented lesions in primary care: randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2012;345:e4110

Emery J, Morris H, Goodchild R, Fanshawe T, Prevost AT, Bobrow M, Kinmonth AL. The GRAIDS Trial: a cluster randomised controlled trial of computer decision support for the management of familial cancer risk in primary care. British Journal of Cancer 2007;97:486-493

Brown PJB, Warmington V, Laurence M, Prevost AT. Randomised crossover trial comparing the performance of Clinical Terms Version 3 and Read Codes 5 byte set coding schemes in general practice. BMJ 2003;326:1127-1130


Randomised Controlled Trials in clinical populations (Clinical School, Addenbrooke's Hospital)

Farquhar MC, Prevost AT, McCrone P, Brafman-Price B, Bentley A, Higginson IJ, Todd C, Booth S. Is a specialist breathlessness service more effective and cost-effective for patients with advanced cancer and their carers than standard care? Findings of a mixed-method randomised controlled trial. BMC Medicine. 2014;12:194

Corrie PG, Moody AM, Armstrong G, Nolasco S, Lao-Sirieix S-H, Bavister L, Prevost AT, Parker R, Sabes-Figuera R, McCrone P, Balsdon H, McKinnon K, Hounsell A, O'Sullivan B, Barclay S. Is community treatment best?: a randomised trial comparing delivery of cancer treatment in the hospital, home and GP surgery. British Journal of Cancer 2013;109(6):1549-1555

D’Vaz AP, Ostor AJK, Speed CA, Jenner JR, Bradley M, Prevost AT, Hazleman BL. Pulsed low-intensity ultrasound therapy for chronic lateral epicondylitis: a randomized controlled trial. Rheumatology  2006;45:566-570

Hunt PJ, Gurnell EM, Huppert FA, Richards C, Prevost AT, Wass JAH, Herbert J, Chatterjee VKK. Improvement in mood and fatigue after dehydroepiandrosterone replacement in Addison's disease in a randomized, double blind trial. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2000;12:4650-6

Burch S, Longbottom J, McKay M, Borland C, Prevost T. A randomised controlled trial of day hospital and day centre therapy. Clinical Rehabilitation 1999;13:105-112

Robinson SM, Mackenzie-Ross S, Campbell-Hewson GL, Egleston CV, Prevost AT. Psychological effect of witnessed resuscitation on bereaved relatives. Lancet 1998;352:614-617


Prognostic cell-cycle biomarkers in cancer (with Kai Stoeber and Gareth Williams)

Kelly JD, Dudderidge TJ, Wollenschlaeger A, Okoturo O, Burling K, Tulloch F, Halsall I, Prevost T, Prevost AT, Vasconcelos JC, Robson W, Leung HY, Vasdev N, Pickard RS, Williams GH, Stoeber K. Bladder cancer diagnosis and identification of clinically significant disease by combined urinary detection of mcm5 and nuclear matrix protein 22. PLoS One. 2012;7:e40305

Rodriguez-Acebes S, Proctor I, Loddo M, Wollenschlaeger A, Rashid M, Falzon M, Prevost AT, Sainsbury R, Stoeber K, Williams GH. Targeting DNA replication before it starts. Cdc7 as a therapeutic target in p53-mutant breast cancers. American Journal of Pathology 2010;177:2034-45

Loddo M, Kingsbury SR, Rashid M, Proctor I, Holt C, Young J, El-Sheikh S, Falzon M, Eward KL, Prevost AT, Sainsbury R, Stoeber K, Williams GH. Cell-cycle-phase progression analysis identifies unique phenotypes of major prognostic and predictive significance in breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer 2009;100:959-70

Kulkarni AA, Kingsbury SR, Tudzarova S, Hong HK, Loddo M, Rashid M, Rodriguez-Acebes S, Prevost AT, Ledermann JA, Stoeber K, Williams GH. Cdc7 kinase is a predictor of survival and a novel therapeutic target in epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2009;15:2417-25

Kingsbury SR, Loddo M, Fanshawe T, Obermann EC, Prevost AT, Stoeber K, Williams GH. Repression of DNA replication in quiescence is independent of geminin and may define the cell cycle state of progenitor cells. Experimental Cell Research 2005;309:56-67

Eward KL, Obermann EC, Shreeram S, Loddo M, Fanshawe T, Williams C, Jung HI, Prevost AT, Blow JJ, Stoeber K, Williams GH. DNA replication licensing in somatic and germ cells. Journal of Cell Science 2004;117:5875-96

Williams GH, Swinn R, Prevost AT, de Clive-Lowe P, Halsall I, Going JJ, Hales CN, Stoeber K, Middleton SJ. Diagnosis of oesophageal cancer by detection of minichromosome maintenance 5 protein in gastric aspirates. British Journal of Cancer 2004;91:714-9

Stoeber K, Swinn R, Prevost AT, DeClive-Lowe P, Halsall, I, Dilworth SM, Turner WH, Bullock N, Doble A, Hales CN, Williams GH. Diagnosis of genito-urinary tract cancer by detection of Mcm5 in urine sediments. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2002;94:1071-9


Conceptual research

behaviour change techniques - measurement and associations

Hankonen N, Sutton S, Prevost AT, Simmons RK, Griffin SJ, Kinmonth AL, Hardeman W.
Which Behavior Change Techniques are Associated with Changes in Physical Activity, Diet and Body Mass Index in People with Recently Diagnosed Diabetes? Ann Behav Med. 2015;49:7-17

Hardeman W, Prevost AT, Parker RA, Sutton S. Constructing multiplicative measures of beliefs in the theory of planned behaviour. Br J Health Psychol. 2013;18:122-138

Hardeman W, Michie S, Fanshawe T, Prevost AT, Mcloughlin K, Kinmonth AL. Fidelity of delivery of a physical activity intervention: Predictors and consequences. Psychology and Health 2008;23:11-24

Michie S, Hardeman W, Fanshawe T, Prevost AT, Taylor L, Kinmonth AL. Investigating theoretical explanations for behaviour change: The case study of ProActive. Psychology and Health 2008;23:25-39

confounding in the interpretation of risk:

Fanshawe TR, Prevost AT, Roberts JS, Green RC, Armstrong D, Marteau TM. Explaining behaviour change after genetic testing: the problem of collinearity between test results and risk estimates.  Genetic Testing 2008;12:381-6

Mason D, Prevost AT, Sutton S. Perceptions of absolute versus relative differences between personal and comparison health risk. Health Psychology. 2008;27:87-92

misinterpretation of the reproducibility coefficient:

Bister D, Edler RJ, Tom BDM, Prevost AT. Natural head posture - considerations of reproducibility. European Journal of Orthodontics 2002;24:457-70

dietary patterns - derivation and associations via principal component analysis:

Williams DEM, Prevost AT, Whichelow MJ, Cox BD, Day NE, Wareham NJ. A cross-sectional study of dietary patterns with glucose intolerance and other features of the metabolic syndrome. British Journal of Nutrition 2000;83:257-66

Prevost AT, Whichelow MJ, Cox BD. Longitudinal dietary changes between 1984-5 and 1991-2 in British adults: associations with socio-demographic, lifestyle and health factors. British Journal of Nutrition 1997;78:873-88

Whichelow MJ, Prevost AT. Dietary patterns and their association with demographic, lifestyle and health parameters in a random sample of British adults. British Journal of Nutrition 1996;76:17-30

Research interests


Interdisciplinary collaborative contribution to health research

Sample size and research study design in theory and practice

Tailoring study design to health research objectives

Cluster randomisation and multilevel modelling in the presence of hierarchy in data structure

Design and unbiased evaluation of two-stage multi-biomarker studies

Adaptive design for early phase trials

Design and analysis planning in noninferiority and equivalence trials

Design and evaluation of complex intervention trials

Clinical trial methodology and application

Meta-analysis methods and practice

Combining public health intervention research evidence

Health and lifestyle research

Physical activity and smoking cessation trials


Research studies as statistical co-applicant


2015-2020       PI: Phil Chowienczyk (KCL): Ancestry and biological Informative Markers for stratification of HYpertension: The
AIM HY study. MRC Stratified Medicine MR/M016560/1 £3.4M


2015-2018       PI: Martin Gulliford (KCL). eCRT2: Electronically-delivered, multi-component interventions to reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescribing in primary care. A cluster randomised trial using electronic health records. NIHR HTA 13/88/10 £533k


2015-2017       PI: Martin Gulliford (KCL). Evidence from electronic health records to improve the health of very old people: cohort study of benefits and harms of cardiovascular risk management. Dunhill Medical Trust £113k


2015-2018       PI: Mark Peakman (KCL). Examining immunological effects of proinsulin peptide administration in children with, or at-risk of, Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes UK. £1.1M.


2015-2017       PI: Mark Peakman (KCL). MultipepT1De Immunotherapy for Type 1 Diabetes: First-in-Man study. UCB Biopharma SPRL


2014-2018       PI: Phil Hykin (Moorfields Eye Hospital, UCL).  LEAVO: A multicentre double-masked randomised non-inferiority clinical trial comparing the clinical and cost effectiveness of intravitreal ranibizumab (Lucentis), aflibercept (Eylea)and bevacizumab (Avastin) for Macular Oedema due to Central Retinal Vein Occlusion. NIHR HTA £2.3M


2014-2017      PI: Sobha Sivaprasad (Moorfields Eye Hospital, UCL). CLEOPATRA: A multicentre phase III randomised controlled single masked clinical trial to test the clinical efficacy of LightMasks at preventing dark adaptation in the treatment of early diabetic macular oedema. NIHR EME £1.1M


2014-2017       PI: Sobha Sivaprasad (Moorfields Eye Hospital, UCL). CLARITY: Clinical Efficacy and Mechanistic Evaluation of Aflibercept for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. NIHR EME £1.2M


2014-2017       PI: Andrew Cope (KCL). APIPPRA: Arthritis Prevention In the Pre-clinical Phase of RA with Abatacept. Bristol-Myers Squibb £3M


2013-2015       PI: M.Gulliford (KCL). Cost-effectiveness of different levels of uptake of bariatric surgery in a large population: Cohort Study and Markov Model. NIHR HS&DR £350k


2011-2015      PI: Stephen Sutton (Cambridge). Development and evaluation of very brief interventions to increase physical activity in primary care. NIHR PGfAR £1.7M


2011-2013       PI: Jonathan Graffy (Cambridge). Community-based peer support in diabetes; factors associated with success and impact on volunteers providing support. NIHR RfPB £250k


2010-2012      PI: David Simmons (Cambridge). The East Cambs and Fenland Diabetes Integrated Care Initiative. NIHR RfPB £250k


2009-2011      PI: Ann-Louise Kinmonth (Cambridge). Does adding a facilitated behaviour change intervention improve outcomes among people with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes receiving intensive treatment in General Practice? The Addition-Plus five-year follow-up study  NIHR SfPCR £204k


2009-2011      PI: Simon Griffin (Cambridge). What are the effects of a theory-based intervention of physical activity and its social and psychological correlates after 5 years? NIHR SfPCR £366k


2008-2011       PI: David Simmons (Cambridge). Can peer support delivered as a group or individual intervention enable people with diabetes and improve their health? (RCT of Peer Support In Type 2 Diabetes in Cambridgeshire. Eli Lilly $800k


2008-2011       PI: Pippa Corrie (Cambridge). OUTREACH: A randomised trial comparing delivery of cancer systemic therapy in three different settings: a patient’s home, a general practice surgery and a hospital day unit. NIHR RfPB £250k


2008-2011      PI: Fiona Walter (Cambridge). Development and validation of a short family history screening tool for chronic disease prevention in primary care. NIHR RfPB £220k


2007-2013      PI: David Dunger (Cambridge). The Adolescent Type 1 Diabetes Cardio Renal Protection Trial. Diabetes UK £790k


2007-2011       PI: Sara Booth (Cambridge). BIS: Phase III randomised controlled trial of a breathlessness intervention service for intractable breathlessness. NIHR RfPB £250k


2007-2010      PI: Fiona Walter (Cambridge). MoleMate UK Trial: Management of suspicious pigmented lesions in primary care, NIHR SfPCR. £304k


2006-2010     PI: Theresa Marteau (KCL). GRAB:  Risk Communication in Preventive medicine: optimising the impact of DNA risk information. MRC Programme £879k


2006-2008       PIs: Andrew Farmer (Oxford) and Ann-Louise Kinmonth (Cambridge). An innovative two-component intervention to support adherence to hypo-glycaemic medication in people with type 2 diabetes: a proof of concept trial. MRC £195k


2004-2008      PI: Gareth Williams (UCL). Evaluation of urinary Mcm5 as a diagnostic agent in genito-urinary tract malignancy. CRUK £500k


2006-2008      PI: Theresa Marteau (KCL). Didactic versus informed choice invitations to screening: balancing public health benefits and individual choice. Wellcome Trust £225k


2004-2007      PI: S.Sutton (Cambridge). Psychological impact of screening for Type 2 diabetes. Wellcome Trust £136k


2001-2005       PI: Jon Emery (Cambridge). Computer decision support for management of familial cancer in primary care: pilot trial and development of a measure of informer choice in familial cancer. CRUK £148k


2002-2004     PI: Wendy Hardeman (Cambridge). Training in behaviour change techniques to promote physical activity among people at risk of Type 2 diabetes: an evaluation. Diabetes UK £10k


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy, Social Statistics: Multilevel modelling of child mortality - Gibbs Sampling versus other approaches, University of Southampton

Award Date: 1 Jan 1996

Master of Science, Statistics with applications in Medicine, with Distinction, University of Southampton

Award Date: 1 Jan 1991

Bachelor of Science, Mathematics with Statistics, University of Southampton

Award Date: 1 Jan 1990


  • HA Statistics
  • Medical Statistics
  • Research design & methodology
  • clinical trials
  • Clinical trials design


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