Fluctuations in ballistic transport from Euler hydrodynamics

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We propose a general formalism, within large-deviation theory, giving access to the exact statistics of fluctuations of ballistically transported conserved quantities in homogeneous, stationary states. The formalism is expected to apply to any system with an Euler hydrodynamic description, classical or quantum, integrable or not, in or out of equilibrium. We express the exact scaled cumulant generating function (or full counting statistics) for any (quasi-)local conserved quantity in terms of the flux Jacobian. We show that the “extended fluctuation relations” of Bernard and Doyon follow from the linearity of the hydrodynamic equations, forming a marker of “freeness” much like the absence of hydrodynamic diffusion does. We show how an extension of the formalism gives exact exponential behaviours of spatio-temporal two-point functions of twist fields, with applications to order-parameter dynamical correlations in arbitrary homogeneous, stationary state. We explain in what situations the large-deviation principle at the basis of the results fail, and discuss how this connects with nonlinear fluctuating hydrodynamics. Applying the formalism to conformal hydrodynamics, we evaluate the exact cumulants of energy transport in quantum critical systems of arbitrary dimension at low but nonzero temperatures, observing a phase transition for Lorentz boosts at the sound velocity.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)255-302
Number of pages48
JournalAnnales Henri Poincare
Issue number1
Early online date15 Nov 2019
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jan 2020


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