Form factors in equilibrium and non-equilibrium mixed states of the Ising model

Yixiong Chen*, Benjamin Doyon

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11 Citations (Scopus)


Using the 'Liouville space' (the space of operators) of the massive Ising model of quantum field theory, there is a natural definition of form factors in any mixed state. These generalize the usual form factors, and are building blocks for mixed-state correlation functions. We study the cases of mixed states that are diagonal in the asymptotic particle basis, and obtain exact expressions for all mixed-state form factors of order and disorder fields. We use novel techniques based on deriving and solving a system of non-linear functional differential equations. We then write down the full form factor expansion for mixed-state correlation functions of these fields. Under weak analytic conditions on the eigenvalues of the density matrix, this is an exact large-distance expansion. The form factors agree with the known finite-temperature form factors when the mixed state is specialized to a thermal Gibbs ensemble. Our results can be used to analyze correlation functions in generalized Gibbs ensembles (which occur after quantum quenches). Applying this to the density matrix for non-equilibrium steady states with energy flows, we observe that non-equilibrium form factors have branch cuts in rapidity space. We verify that this is in agreement with a non-equilibrium generalization of the KMS relations, and we conjecture that the leading large-distance behavior of order and disorder non-equilibrium correlation functions contains oscillations in the log of the distance between the fields.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberP09021
JournalJournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2014


  • correlation functions
  • form factors
  • quantum quenches
  • quantum transport in one dimension


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