Inter-Tenant Resource Sharing and Power Allocation in 5G Virtual networks

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Recently the concept of network virtualization and network slicing attracted significant
attention from both industry and academia as a key component of the evolving 5G
architecture to allow the efficient entrance of vertical industries and tackle increased
aggregate traffic by flexible network re-configurability. However, the potential price to be
paid for facilitating network slicing in a multi-tenant virtual network is the underutilization
of the scarce wireless network resources due to the different tenant requirements and the
inherent dynamics of the traffic. A potential way to avoid such sacrifice of radio resources is to allow efficient inter-tenant resource sharing. To this end, this work proposes a novel
optimization framework for flexible inter-tenant resource sharing embedded with
transmission power control to aggressively improve network capacity, the utilization of
wireless access resources, user data rate as well as energy efficiency. More specifically, we
define two novel resource sharing mechanisms called Tight Coupling (TX) and Loose
Coupling (LX), respectively, via Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulations. Furthermore, two Resource and Power Joint Allocation (RPJA) algorithms are designed to solve the optimization problem in polynomial time. Based on 3GPP network parameterization, a rigorous analysis via a wide set of numerical investigations reveal that significant gains in network throughput, individual user rate and energy efficiency, can be
achieved compared with current baseline network slicing methods and constant power
resource sharing algorithms.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Early online date17 May 2019
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 17 May 2019


  • 5G and beyond
  • Network Virtualization
  • Energy Efficiency
  • resource allocation


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