Measuring psychological wellbeing and mental health in university student cohorts

Paul Heron, Kieran Balloo, Michael Barkham, Jacks Bennett, Clio Berry, Snigdha Dutta, Lisa Edwards, Jo Ward (Publisher), Maria Gardani, Anesa Hosein, Nicola Byrom (Publisher), Juliet Foster, Bridgette Bewick, Louise Knowles, Sanjay Kumar, Myles-Jay Linton, Margaret McLafferty, Mike Lucock, Dean McMillan, Lewis PatonSarah E. Reese, Kate E A Saunders, Elena Sheldon, Paul A Tiffin, Ed Watkins, Joanna Worsley, Emma Broglia

Research output: Book/ReportReport

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A series of consensus groups were conducted to provide guidance on the set up
and running of student wellbeing cohorts. The aim of the groups were to reach consensus on a range of issues; this document covers measurement. Attendees included student representatives, academics, clinicians and clinical academics with experience. One of the recommendations of the consensus group was that any statements about which measures to use should be based on a set of explicit criteria with candidate measures judged against these.

As part of the consensus meetings, we agreed broad areas that should be measured and also agreed criteria by which to judge candidate measures. Although not explicitly agreed as a criterion in the consensus group, there is a clear need to ensure that any recommendations are made in the context of what is already measured within existing student cohorts and any wider recommendations on measurement that are likely to affect the sector. This will be referred to throughout the document.

This document summarises the results of that exercise. Broad statements of agreement from the consensus group are first given, including criteria by which to judge candidate measures. Commonly used candidate measures are then assessed against these criteria for each of the agreed areas of measurement.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • mental health
  • Student mental health
  • measurement
  • wellbeing
  • University
  • higher education
  • consensus development
  • Psychological measurement
  • psychology
  • cohort studies
  • Longitudinal cohort
  • longitudinal data
  • data collection
  • student as co-enquirer
  • smarten


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