Searching for an Operational Definition of Frailty: A Delphi Method Based Consensus Statement. The Frailty Operative Definition-Consensus Conference Project

Leocadio Rodriguez-Manas*, Catherine Feart, Giovanni Mann, Jose Vina, Somnath Chatterji, Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko, Magali Gonzalez-Colaco Harmand, Howard Bergman, Laure Carcaillon, Caroline Nicholson, Angelo Scuteri, Alan Sinclair, Martha Pelaez, Tischa Van der Cammen, Francois Beland, Jerome Bickenbach, Paul Delamarche, Luigi Ferrucci, Linda P. Fried, Luis Miguel Gutierrez-RobledoKenneth Rockwood, Fernando Rodriguez Artalejo, Gaetano Serviddio, Enrique Vega, FOD-CC Grp

*Corresponding author for this work

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907 Citations (Scopus)


Background. There is no consensus regarding the definition of frailty for clinical uses.

Methods. A modified Delphi process was used to attempt to achieve consensus definition. Experts were selected from different fields and organized into five Focus Groups. A questionnaire was developed and sent to experts in the area of frailty. Responses and comments were analyzed using a pre-established strategy. Statements with an agreement more than or equal to 80% were accepted.

Results. Overall, 44% of the statements regarding the concept of frailty and 18% of the statements regarding diagnostic criteria were accepted. There was consensus on the value of screening for frailty and about the identification of six domains of frailty for inclusion in a clinical definition, but no agreement was reached concerning a specific set of clinical/laboratory biomarkers useful for diagnosis.

Conclusions. There is agreement on the usefulness of defining frailty in clinical settings as well as on its main dimensions. However, additional research is needed before an operative definition of frailty can be established.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)62-67
Number of pages6
JournalJournals of Gerontology Series. A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Issue number1
Early online date16 Apr 2012
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2013


  • Frailty
  • Consensus definition
  • Older people
  • Biomarkers


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