Research into what motivates students to learn has been longstanding. To further investigate, a theoretical framework relying on different theories of self was developed to help conceptualise motivation in the context of summative assessment. The aim of this study which focused on A-level students was to investigate how their motivation is related to their perception of summative assessment. The investigation addressed two main questions: “To what extent does post-16 A-level students' perception of summative assessment affect their motivation for learning?” and “To what extent do students’ narratives about summative assessment reflect the role of self in motivation?” Mixed methods were used for data collection and involved using an adaptation of AMS-HS 28, a motivation questionnaire and another questionnaire about perception of summative assessment generated for the purpose of this investigation. A total of 1016 students from 12 Secondary and Further Education settings participated in the questionnaire portion of the investigation. Additionally, 20 face-to-face interviews further explored how students’ perception related to their depth of learning. A main finding from the quantitative analyses was that students’ views about summative assessment are the best predictors of type of motivation adopted above and beyond the demographics and approach to learning variables. In relation to the qualitative analyses, it was found that despite students’ negative perception, summative assessment motivates them to learn. It was also found that summative assessment affects the type of approach students employ in their learning with the surface approach more likely very close to examination time. Further analyses suggest that how students perceive the impact of summative assessment on their motivation for and depth of learning is dependent upon their sense of self. Implications for practice are fully discussed in the thesis. Future studies on the current topic are suggested to continue to explore not just what motivates A-level students to learn but the alternatives to summative assessment.
A hybrid exploration of the impact of summative assessment on A-level students’ motivation and depth of learning and the extent to which this is a reflection of the self
Ekwue, U. N. (Author). 2015
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctorate in Education