Six Dimensional Supergravity, Spinorial Geometry and (1,0)-Superconformal Theories

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


In this thesis we explore (1,0) supersymmetric theories in six dimensions. The rst
part of the thesis focuses on the investigation of supersymmetric solutions of (1,0)
six dimensional supergravity theory coupled to any number of tensor, vector and
scalar multiplets. The methodology used to solve the Killing spinor equations will be based on the spinorial geometry technique. Therefore, we begin by giving details of the spinorial geometry approach in the rst chapter. In the chapter that follows six dimensional supergravity coupled to tensor, vector and scalar multiplets is described.
Once we have given details of the theory under consideration the solutions to the
Killing spinor equations are discussed in some detail. In particular, we nd that there are backgrounds preserving 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 supersymmetries broadly falling into two cases; those with Killing spinors that have compact isotropy groups and those with non-compact isotropy groups. We then discuss the integrability conditions of the Killing spinor equations.
In the fourth chapter we analyse the supersymmetric near horizon geometries of
(1,0) six dimensional supergravity coupled to arbitrary number of tensor and scalar multiplets. In order to do this we make use of Gaussian null coordinates as well as the solutions of the Killing spinor equations. We nd that there are two classes of near horizon geometries. One class is isometric to R1;1 S, where S is a suitable 4-manifold, and the other class is isometric to AdS3 3, where 3 is a homology 3-sphere.
In the nal chapter we investigate a more recent development, namely (1,0)
superconformal theories in six dimensions. In particular we nd the BPS solutions
of (1,0) superconformal theory in all cases. In addition, we analyse the halfsupersymmetric solutions to some specic models in detail and give examples of string and 3-brane solutions.

Date of Award1 Feb 2013
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • King's College London
SupervisorGeorgios Papadopoulos (Supervisor)

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