Defect CFT techniques in the 6d N = (2, 0) theory

Nadav Drukker, Malte Probst*, Maxime Trépanier

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Surface operators are among the most important observables of the 6d N = (2, 0) theory. Here we apply the tools of defect CFT to study local operator insertions into the 1/2-BPS plane. We first relate the 2-point function of the displacement operator to the expectation value of the bulk stress tensor and translate this relation into a constraint on the anomaly coefficients associated with the defect. Secondly, we study the defect operator expansion of the stress tensor multiplet and identify several new operators of the defect CFT. Technical results derived along the way include the explicit supersymmetry tranformations of the stress tensor multiplet and the classification of unitary representations of the superconformal algebra preserved by the defect.

Original languageEnglish
Article number261
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number3
Early online date29 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2021


  • Anomalies in Field and String Theories
  • Conformal Field Theory
  • Extended Supersymmetry


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