Mesoporous silica chips for selective enrichment and stabilization of low molecular weight proteome

Ali Bouamrani, Ye Hu, Ennio Tasciotti, Li Li, Ciro Chiappini, Xuewu Liu, Mauro Ferrari

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The advanced properties of mesoporous silica have been demonstrated in applications, which include chemical sensing, filtration, catalysis, drug delivery and selective biomolecular uptake. These properties depend on the architectural, physical and chemical properties of the material, which in turn are determined by the processing parameters in evaporation-induced self-assembly. In this study, we introduce a combinatorial approach for the removal of the high molecular weight proteins and for the specific isolation and enrichment of low molecular weight species. This approach is based on mesoporous silica chips able to fractionate, selectively harvest and protect from enzymatic degradation, peptides and proteins present in complex human biological fluids. We present the characterization of the harvesting properties of a wide range of mesoporous chips using a library of peptides and proteins standard and their selectivity on the recovery of serum peptidome. Using MALDI-TOF-MS, we established the correlation between the harvesting specificity and the physicochemical properties of mesoporous silica surfaces. The introduction of this mesoporous material with fine controlled properties will provide a powerful platform for proteomics application offering a rapid and efficient methodology for low molecular weight biomarker discovery.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)496-505
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2010


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