Top Eigenpair Statistics for Weighted Sparse Graphs

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We develop a formalism to compute the statistics of the top eigenpair of weighted sparse graphs with finite mean connectivity and bounded maximal degree. Framing the problem in terms of optimisation of a quadratic form on the sphere and introducing a fictitious temperature, we employ the cavity and replica methods to find the solution in terms of self-consistent equations for auxiliary probability density functions, which can be solved by population dynamics. This derivation allows us to identify and unpack the individual contributions to the top eigenvector's components coming from nodes of degree $k$. The analytical results are in perfect agreement with numerical diagonalisation of large (weighted) adjacency matrices, and are further cross-checked on the cases of random regular graphs and sparse Markov transition matrices for unbiased random walks.
Original languageEnglish
Article number485002
JournalJournal Of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical
Issue number48
Publication statusPublished - 4 Nov 2019


  • cavity method
  • random graphs
  • replica method
  • top eigenpair


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